Create unique divs without any overlap

I am working on a project that involves TypeScript and React. The goal is to generate a new <div> with random width and height (between 50 and 300px) placed randomly within a wrapper (1920x1080).

The objective is to ensure that the newly created div does not overlap with existing ones. If there is no overlap, the element is created. Otherwise, a new position and size are generated until the space is filled without overlapping.

I have successfully written code for generating random positions and sizes. However, I am facing challenges in checking collisions and displaying a message when there is no empty space left.

const [count,setCount]=useState(0)
  const wrapper = document.getElementById('wrapper');
  var posX:number,posY:number,divSizeH:number,divSizeW:number;
  var willOverlap:boolean=false;
  function createRandomRectangle(){
    divSizeW = Math.round(((Math.random()*250) + 50));
    divSizeH = Math.round(((Math.random()*250) + 50));
    if (wrapper!=null) {
      const width = wrapper.offsetWidth , height = wrapper.offsetHeight;
      posX = Math.round( (Math.random() * ( width - divSizeW )) );
      posY = Math.round( (Math.random() * ( height - divSizeH )) );
       //checking collision
          var r2 = element.getBoundingClientRect();
            if((posX <= r2.x && r2.x <= posX+divSizeW) && (posY <= r2.y && r2.y <= posY+divSizeH) ||
            (posX <= r2.x && r2.x <= posX+divSizeW) && (posY <= r2.bottom && r2.bottom <= posY+divSizeH) ||
            (posX <= r2.x+r2.height && r2.x+r2.height <= posX+divSizeW) && (posY <= r2.y+r2.width && r2.y+r2.width <= posY+divSizeW) ||
            (posX <= r2.x+r2.height &...
    //if there is no more place send message and dont create....
      const newDiv = document.createElement('div');

Answer №1

When trying to solve the issue of collisions in your code, it is important to note that simply repeating the process with new positions and sizes may not guarantee a solution.

By implementing this repetition within a loop of existing Rectangles, there is a risk of not checking the newly generated position against all previous Rectangles, potentially resulting in overlapping elements.

Furthermore, detecting when your container is full and can no longer accommodate new Rectangles adds complexity to the problem. For now, let's focus on a simpler solution by limiting the number of repetitions.

To simplify the algorithm, consider the following approach:

const existingRectangles = document.querySelectorAll('.Rectangle');
let repCount = 0; // Number of repetitions

do {
  var overlapping = false;
  var newPositionAndSize = generateRandomPositionAndSize();

  for (let i = 0: i < existingRectangles.length; i += 1) {
    if (checkCollision(existingRectangles[i], newPositionAndSize)) {
      overlapping = true;
      repCount += 1;
} while (overlapping && repCount < 1000);

if (overlapping) {
} else {

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