Create identical buttons using Bootstrap 4

I am trying to create uniform left and right buttons, but I am facing issues with making them look the same on both PC and mobile devices. Here is the current appearance:

View the current button design

                <a href="" class="btn btn-outline-primary" id="one">SHORT</a>
                <a href="" class="btn btn-outline-primary" id="two">SHORT</a>
                <a href="" class="btn btn-outline-primary" id="three">FEW WORDS</a>
                <a href="" class="btn btn-outline-primary" id="four">SHORT</a>

Check out the current CSS

Answer №1

If you want to display them in a neat format, consider placing them inside a table with a width of 100%.

Here's an example:

With CSS:

td a {width:100%}

            <a href="" class="btn btn-outline-primary" id="one">SHORT</a>
            <a href="" class="btn btn-outline-primary" id="two">SHORT</a>

        <tr><td> <a href="" class="btn btn-outline-primary" id="three">FEW WORDS</a>  </td>
            <a href="" class="btn btn-outline-primary" id="four">SHORT</a></td></tr>

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