Create an input box with a designated class

When I click the button in my HTML and JavaScript code below, I am able to dynamically add a text field and radio button. This functionality is working properly. However, I also want the newly generated text field to have the same font size and appearance as the one above it, meaning I want it to inherit the same class.

Here is the HTML:

<input type="radio" name="choices"  value="o1"/>
<input type="text" name="o1" id="o1" class="inputtype"/>
<span class="file-wrapper">
<input type="file" name="o1_i" />
<span class="button">Choose a file</span>
<div id="responce"></div>

And here is the JavaScript:

var div = document.getElementById("responce");
var radio = document.createElement("input");
            radio.type = "radio";
   = "choices";
            radio.value = "o" + countBox;

var text = document.createElement("input");
            text.type = "text";
   = "o" + countBox;
   ="o" + countBox;

var upload = document.createElement("input")
            upload.type = "file";
   "o" + countBox + "_i";

Answer №1

To apply classes to elements, simply use the className property in a similar manner as setting other attributes like name, type, and ID:

text.className = "inputtype";

Similarly, assign a class to the browse button:

upload.className = "someclass";

If you need to add multiple classes, separate them with spaces. Remember that using className will replace any existing classes on the element.

Answer №2

To avoid the need to manually assign a class using JavaScript for every new item, you can simply use CSS to target the <input> elements directly like this: #myform input[type=text]. This method assumes that there is a form-tag or another parent element available for targeting.

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