Create an HTML document with a bottom section that shows up on every page when printed

I am currently working on creating a footer for an HTML file where the requirement is to have the footer displayed on each printed page. I came across a solution that fixes specific text to every page that I print.

Here is the code snippet:

<div class="footer">This is the footer</div>

This code uses CSS to ensure that the footer appears at the bottom of each printed page:

@media screen {
  div.footer {
    display: none;
@media print {
  div.footer {
    position: fixed;
    bottom: 0;

However, the issue with this approach is that it gets overwritten by the rest of my code once it reaches the footer. Do you know of any efficient and quick solution to resolve this problem? If not, are there alternative methods to fix a footer to every printed page of an HTML file without linking a separate CSS file? It's worth mentioning that I need all the code to be in the same file.

Answer №1

Perhaps the key is not solely relying on HTML and CSS, but incorporating PHP to include a footer on every page, ensuring a consistent footer across all pages.

<? php

include_once ("footer.html");

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