Create a vertical expand/collapse menu using Javascript that persists its state even after a page change

As I embark on the journey of constructing my webshop, please forgive any imperfections you may stumble upon, unless they pertain to the subject at hand.

Currently, I am in the process of crafting the shop menu, utilizing a vertical collapse/expand menu built with javascript.

The issue I am facing is that when a link is clicked and the page switches to the destination, the menu closes/resets, which is not what I desire.

I would like for the menu to remain expanded even after the page has changed.

If anyone could assist me with this dilemma, it would be greatly appreciated.

For reference, here is a link to the website provided by my school:

Answer №1

There are various methods to accomplish this, depending on whether you intend to utilize a web server or not, or have a database table specifically for user settings.

One approach that I have discovered involves utilizing the "Web Storage API" (visit this link:

It would be beneficial if you could provide some code samples so we can better understand your situation and offer potential solutions. (Additionally, if you share code samples, the suggestion of using Web Storage API may not be applicable based on your code, so please share)

Please refer to the comment below for a jsfiddle demonstration

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