Create a screen divided into two separate sections using horizontal split dividers

Trying to figure out how to set a div in HTML and then have a second div take up the remaining space. It seems like it should be simple, but I'm struggling with it.

I'd like to have a div with a fixed height and then have another div take up the rest of the space, kind of like this:

<div class="div1">1st</div>
<div class="div2">2nd</div>


div.div1{background: #999; height: 78px;}
div.div2{ background: #666; height: (remaining_space); }

Is this doable?

Answer №1

From what other SO users have mentioned, it seems that achieving this purely with CSS in a cross-browser manner is not feasible. Even though your question didn't include the javascript tag, I will propose a solution using jQuery.

$(document).ready(function() {
    var docHeight = $(document).height();
    var div1Height = $('.div1').height();
    var div2Height = docHeight - div1Height;
    $('.div2').css('height', div2Height);

Answer №2

Currently, achieving this with CSS alone in a way that is compatible across all browsers is not possible. JavaScript will be necessary to make it work consistently on all web browsers. For those looking to push boundaries and focus solely on modern browsers, exploring features like IE10's grid layout could be an option.

Answer №3

Consider using the CSS property position: absolute, along with setting the height of the top div to, for example, 100px, and aligning the top of the bottom div to the same value:

Here's a simple HTML structure:

<div class="div1">1st</div> 
<div class="div2">2nd</div>

The corresponding CSS styles are as follows:

div.div1, div.div2 {
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  outline: solid 1px #ccc; /* border for visibility */
  margin: 5px; /* spacing for visibility */
div.div1 {
  height: 100px;
  top: 0;
div.div2 {
  top: 100px;
  bottom: 0;

No JavaScript is required to achieve this layout!

If you'd like to see a demo, check it out here.

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