Create a rectangle on a canvas using coordinates that have been translated relative to the original image

Displayed on the screen is an image element that undergoes a css transform: rotate(degree), with degree ranging from 0 to 360. This transformation makes the image appear rotated, even though its original orientation remains unchanged.

Given this scenario, users can choose an area on the ROTATED image, and the resulting output will detail the selected crop region in relation to the transformed image, not the initial one.

The output will include:

  • nativeImageWidth
  • nativeImageHeight
  • positionX
  • positionY
  • width
  • height
  • angle (defaulted to 0 if no previous rotation existed before cropping)

To proceed, a rectangle highlight must be drawn over the user-selected region and then update the displayed image with the modified src data showcasing the highlighted area.

A translation formula is required to convert the cropped area's coordinates into dimensions compatible with the original un-rotated image. These translated values can subsequently be utilized for fillRect operations followed by resetting the img using context.toDataURL

An illustrative example can be viewed at this link: Picture explanation

I have conducted research but couldn't find a solution that matches my specific requirements. The approaches I came across commonly involved using context.rotate() and context.translate(), which weren't effective in my case either.

In essence, I am seeking a solution akin to the following:

function getTranslatedRect(x, y, w, h, angle, nativeImageWidth, nativeImageHeight) {
  let newX = x;
  let newY = y;
  let newWidth = w;
  let newHeight = h;
  let newCanvasWidth = nativeImageWidth;
  let newCanvasHeight = nativeImageHeight;
  // perform necessary math calculations beyond my expertise...
  newX = 35;
  newY = 320;
  newWidth = 65;
  newHeight = 120;
  return {
    newX, newY, newWidth, newHeight, newCanvasWidth, newCanvasHeight

let img = document.getElementById('translatedImage');

let translatedRect = getTranslatedRect(60, 35, 120, 65, 90, 350, 500);

let canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = translatedRect.newCanvasWidth;
canvas.height = translatedRect.newCanvasHeight;

let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 1)';
ctx.fillRect(translatedRect.newX, translatedRect.newY, translatedRect.newWidth, translatedRect.newHeight);

img.src = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpg', 1.0);
.canvas {
  width: 500px;
  height: 500px;
  text-align: center;

.rotated {
  transform: rotate(90deg);
translated image with "user highlighted area"
<div class="canvas">
  <img id="translatedImage" class="rotated" src="" crossorigin="anonymous">

original image
<div class="canvas">
  <img id="originalImage" src="" crossorigin="anonymous">  

Answer №1

Utilizing the built-in CSS matrix operations for your calculations is highly recommended. To illustrate this, here is a brief code snippet demonstrating the use of CSS transformations through Javascript.

(Please note that the stackoverflow code snippet feature may not display the following code correctly, so it's advised to copy and paste it into an HTML file and view it in a browser for accurate representation.)

Below are some key points about the code:

  • The element "box1" serves as the main box and is simply rotated.
  • The element "box2" is considered a box "attached" to box1. When rotated, it will rotate around its own center. Therefore, prior to rotating "box2", it needs to be repositioned relative to the center of "box1", then rotated around the center of "box1", and finally moved back.

Regarding your specific inquiry, if you possess the coordinates of the smaller box linked to the larger box and are aware of the transformation applied to the larger box (such as xy movement, rotation, etc.), you can internally create a DOM object representing the smaller box, reverse the known rotations of the larger box, and determine the relationship between the smaller box and the larger box in terms of coordinates...



<div id="box1" style="position:absolute; left:50; width:65; top:100; height:120; background: black"></div>
<div id="box2" style="position:absolute; left:55; width:30; top:110; height:60; background: red"></div>

<input id="rotateInput" value="45"></input>
<button onclick="rotate( parseFloat( document.getElementById('rotateInput').value ) )">Rotate</button>


var currentAngle = 0;

function rotate( rotDeg ) {

  currentAngle += rotDeg;
  // Rotating the large box is straightforward...
  let dom1 = document.getElementById( 'box1' ); = `rotateZ( ${currentAngle}deg )`;

  // Rotating the smaller box requires more steps...
  let dom2 = document.getElementById( 'box2' );
  console.log( `box2 before rotate: ( L:${box2.offsetLeft}, T:${box2.offsetTop}, W:${box2.offsetWidth}, H:${box2.offsetHeight} )` );
  console.log( box2.getBoundingClientRect() );
  dx = ( box2.offsetLeft + box2.offsetWidth / 2 ) - ( box1.offsetLeft + box1.offsetWidth / 2);
  dy = ( box2.offsetTop + box2.offsetHeight / 2 ) - ( box1.offsetTop + box1.offsetHeight / 2); = `
    translateX( ${-dx}px )
    translateY( ${-dy}px )
    rotateZ( ${currentAngle}deg )
    translateY( ${+dy}px )       
    translateX( ${+dx}px )
  console.log( `box2 after rotate: ( L:${box2.offsetLeft}, T:${box2.offsetTop}, W:${box2.offsetWidth}, H:${box2.offsetHeight} )` );
  console.log( box2.getBoundingClientRect() );



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