Create a new variable and compile the sass/less file when it is requested

I'm exploring options to utilize Node.js or another server-side language to handle a specific type of request. For instance, receiving a request like this:

The goal is to extract the value from the URL parameter and use it to dynamically update a variable in a SASS/LESS file. This updated file would then be compiled into a CSS file and returned as a response to the original request.

Answer №1

For those working with Node.js, you have the option to implement a similar solution by ensuring that you have installed the necessary NPM packages: express and less.

const express = require('express');
const less = require('less');
const app = express();

app.get('/generateCSS/:number', function(req, res){
  less.render('.class { width: ' + req.params.number  + 'px; }', function (e, css) {


This script is a basic implementation (without error handling or input validation) which will process requests made to

and display the specified number within your LESS code.

# curl http://localhost:3000/generateCSS/6
.class {
  width: 6px;

You have the flexibility to utilize these parameters in any manner within your LESS templates as needed.

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