Create a media query that targets both print and screen devices, specifying a minimum width condition

I am in need of a stylesheet that works well for both print and screens with decent width.

When I write the following code, I expect it to be clear:

@media print or (screen and (min-width: 801px)) {
    Rules here

Unfortunately, this code does not achieve what I need it to.

Can someone please help me with the correct syntax?

Answer №1

Give this a shot (use a comma to separate multiple independent conditions/queries):

@media print, screen and (min-width: 801px) {
    Implement the rules in this section

Answer №2

Give this a shot:

@media print, (min-width: 801px) {
    Insert your rules here

This is specifically for an OR condition.

Just a heads up, if you want to use an AND condition, it would look like this:

@media print and (min-width: 801px) {
    Insert your rules here

Answer №3

@media print, screen and (min-width: 801px) {
        border: solid 1px blue;

Successfully tested on Mac devices using Safari, Chrome, and Firefox. It's important to note the use of commas and minimal parentheses:

2.1 Combining Media Queries

"Multiple media queries can be combined into a list separated by commas."

Based on the guidelines:

2.4. Media Features

Media features should be enclosed in parentheses and connected using the and or or keywords, like (color) and (min-width: 600px), instead of using semicolons.

2.5. Combining Media Features

"Media conditions can be grouped by using parentheses () which can then be nested within a condition just like a single media query."

Combining and, or, and not in a media query at the same level is not allowed. For clarity, parentheses should be used to group conditions with a specific conjunction, such as (color) and ((pointer) or (hover)) or ((color) and (pointer)) or (hover). These groupings have distinct meanings, where the evaluation depends on the conditions being met or not.

While it seems that using parentheses should work, there may be confusion between "Media Queries" and "Media Features." Some parts of the specification might be ambiguous, like the mention of "semicolons" in the excerpt above.

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