Create a fixed navbar while scrolling in Angular 5

I want to make a change to the menu position so that it becomes fixed when it reaches the top of the page. Here is my approach:

import { Component, OnInit, Inject, HostListener } from '@angular/core';
import {Location} from '@angular/common';
import { DOCUMENT } from "@angular/platform-browser";
export class DashboardComponent implements OnInit {
  constructor(private _location: Location, @Inject(DOCUMENT) private doc: Document) { }
  public fixed: boolean = false; 
  @HostListener("window:scroll", [])
  onWindowScroll() {
    let num = this.doc.body.scrollTop;
    console.log("scroll top" , this.doc.body.scrollTop)
    if ( num > 50 ) {
        this.fixed = true;
    } else if (this.fixed && num < 5) {
        this.fixed = false;


<div [class.menus]="fixed">
  <div class="left-menu ">
  <div class="second-menu" >
    <app-second-menu (display)="onDisplay($event)" [expanded]=expanded ></app-second-menu>


  position: fixed;

The issue I am facing is that the scrollTop value is not changing. Even when I do

and scroll, the value remains at 0.

Answer №1

It is probable that the body is not functioning as the scroll container, rather it is the HTML element itself

You can attempt using


In web browsers, the document.documentElement refers to the main root HTML element

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