Create a dynamic calendar by integrating dates with Javascript and an HTML table

Recently, I decided to delve into web design again and embark on a challenging project for my father's baseball business. The main task at hand is creating a detailed calendar using HTML tables. After spending a considerable amount of time perfecting the layout, I am now faced with the challenge of adding dates to the calendar without disrupting the existing table structure.

I have been contemplating different approaches, such as assigning numerical values to each cell starting from the first Sunday as 1 and so forth until reaching 42. However, I am unsure if it is possible to assign values to elements other than form fields or objects. My attempt to use divs resulted in confusion and difficulty aligning them correctly given my current skill level. The ultimate goal is for the calendar to display available openings based on an admin view. While I can manage positioning the day values accordingly, I find myself stuck when it comes to implementing the initial month code. Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

You can preview the JSFiddle link here:

Answer №1

If you're looking for some assistance, consider checking out this resource. It comes with a jQuery plugin and offers plenty of choices

Additionally, there is a complimentary light version available that might suit your needs:

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