Crafty Checkbox Selector [ leveraging jquery ]

I have created some fake checkboxes using elements like <span> after the real checkbox and they are working fine! However, I am having trouble counting the checked checkboxes when a checkbox is clicked.

I have tried using methods like:


but it doesn't seem to work properly!

Below is an example of my code for counting checked checkboxes:




            alert($(".checkbox:checked").length); // This returns 0 when a checkbox is checked and 1 when unchecked, which is incorrect. It should return 1 when checked and 0 when unchecked.



I believe this issue is caused by my fake checkboxes. When a user clicks on the fake checkbox, jQuery triggers a click event on the real checkbox, and then it works correctly!

Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

[Sorry, English is not my first language]


Answer №1

The selectors you are using in jQuery are incorrect. The code $('mycheckbox') is looking for a tag <mycheckbox> in your document, which most likely does not exist.

I assume that your custom checkboxes are created using CSS class names on <span> elements, such as <span class="mycheckbox">. In this case, you should use the following:

   ^--- This is the correct CSS class name selector

Answer №2

Opt for the term "change" over "click".


Answer №3

Give this a try,

Suppose we have two distinct classes, mycheckbox and checkbox, for which the click event is activated.


Answer №4

It's not advisable to have a click handler within another click handler. Consider using trigger(). Also, make sure you are selecting the correct element with the class .mycheckbox, as there is no tag called mycheckbox.

Here is an alternative approach:




      alert($("checkbox:checked").length)); // This logic seems incorrect; it should return 1 when checked and 0 when unchecked


Answer №5

If you're looking for a way to implement counters in CSS, you might find Counter CSS helpful as well:

body {
    counter-reset: checboxes;
:checked {
span:after {
    content: counter(checboxes)' checked'; 

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