Could you explain the meaning of the :host /deep/ selector?

Can you provide a simple explanation of what the :host /deep/ selector does?

:host /deep/ .ui-autocomplete {
  width: 85%;

Answer №1

This particular attribute is utilized to apply styles to child elements while employing the emulated view encapsulation.

To delve deeper into this topic, you can visit:

By the way, the usage of the /deep/ selector has now been deprecated:

The shadow-piercing descendant combinator is no longer recommended as support is gradually being phased out from major browsers and tools. For this reason, Angular intends to discontinue its utilization (including all instances of /deep/, >>> and ::ng-deep). In the interim, it's advised to utilize ::ng-deep for enhanced compatibility with various tools.

The inclusion of the :host serves the purpose of targeting the hosting element - which signifies the container where the component is inserted (such as <app-component>).

Employ the :host pseudo-class selector to direct styles towards the specific element that hosts the component (as opposed to affecting elements within the template of the component itself).

Hence, utilizing the selector :host /deep/ .ui-autocomplete implies "within the current hosting element, navigate through the hierarchy (search within child components as well) and locate elements bearing the class ui-autocomplete.

If you desire further insights regarding the view encapsulation functionality, explore:

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