Converting a table into div elements and subsequently reverting it back to its original table format


Discovering a simple technique on stackoverflow to transform tables into divs has been quite enlightening. By assigning classes to each tag, such as:

<table class="table">

the process of converting from table to div structure while retaining the class names becomes seamless. This includes tbody, tr, and td tags.

My strategy involves modifying the HTML code when the browser width hits a specific threshold.

function checkSize(){
if ($(window).width() < 768) {

var tableChanger = function(){

$('table').each(function (){
    $(this).replaceWith( $(this).html()
        .replace(/<tbody/gi, "<div ")
        .replace(/<tr/gi, "<div ")
        .replace(/<\/tr>/gi, "</div>")
        .replace(/<td/gi, "<div")
        .replace(/<\/td>/gi, "</div>")
        .replace(/<\/tbody/gi, "<\/div")

I'm curious if it's possible to reverse this process and generate tables from div elements. However, the challenge lies in the fact that all closing tags are


This complexity makes a straightforward replacement operation ineffective.

The website I'm developing requires responsiveness, hence why I had to resort to using tables.

Answer №1

Avoid making this type of conversion.

Tables should be used for organizing tabular information, similar to a spreadsheet. For actual content.

div is meant for structuring layout, enhancing visual appeal on screen or in printed material.

It's important to recognize the distinction between the two concepts.

Feel free to utilize <table> for presenting tabular data and apply CSS for styling purposes on screen or in print.

In addition, keep in mind that some individuals/companies disable Javascript functionality.

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