Convert JavaScript back into an HTML attribute

Is there a way to include a JavaScript code in an HTML attribute like shown below?

<div class="xx" animation="yy" animate-duration="<script>Code goes here<script>" ...>

I'm struggling to figure it out, is there a solution?

Answer №1

<div class="yy" id="uniqueID" animation="zz"></div>
document.getElementById("uniqueID").setAttribute("animation-speed", "custom value");

The id of the above <div> element is uniqueID. Therefore, calling

document.getElementById("uniqueID").setAttribute("animation-speed", "custom value");
targets this specific <div> and assigns a custom value to its animation-speed property.

Answer №2

Your provided example may not be effective as the script tags could end up being interpreted as a string. For better results, I recommend utilizing

Element.setAttribute(attribute name, attribute value)
if your goal is to specifically modify the element's attributes.

<div class="yy"></div>
<script>document.querySelector(".yy").setAttribute("custom-attribute", "new-value");</script>

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