Convert a Div into an Image using jQuery/JavaScript

I have been attempting to convert a div to an image using the html2canvas library from this link. Unfortunately, I have not had success in converting the full div to an image as the dropper is missing in the final result.

URL: Visit this URL for reference

I have tried using the following code:

html2canvas($("#widget")).then(function(canvas) {
   bimg = canvas.toDataURL();  // by default png

Therefore, I am seeking any suggestions on how to solve this issue. I have experimented with html2canvas and found it effective in converting text and CSS divs to canvas successfully.

Answer №1

Give this a try

<div id="newDiv"></div>

    var element = $("#widgetContainer"); // global variable
    var getCanvasElement; // global variable
    html2canvas(element, {
             onrendered: function (canvas) {
                    getCanvasElement = canvas;

Note: If your HTML code contains an image tag, the above script may not work on certain browsers. To resolve this issue, you must include 2 parameters: allowTaint, useCORS

Here is an example :

html2canvas(document.getElementById("content-holder"), { allowTaint: true, useCORS: true }).then(function (canvas) {
            var linkTag = document.createElement("a");
   = "output.jpg";
            linkTag.href = canvas.toDataURL();
   = '_blank';

Read more about it here: Transform HTML to image with jQuery / Javascript and see demo examples

Answer №2

Here's a more straightforward approach:

let elementToConvert = $('#myDiv')[0];

html2canvas(elementToConvert).then(function(canvas) {

Learn more about html2canvas here

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