Convert a div into a clickable link using JavaScript without using too many classes or any ids

After using shortcodes generated by functions.php in a WordPress parent theme, I have come across the following HTML code:

<div class="pricing-table-one left full-width ">
    <div class="pricing-table-one-border left">
        <div class="pricing-table-one-top pricing-table-green left" style="background:#95705b">
            <span style="color:">Restaurant / Café</span>
            <p style="color:"></p>
        <div class="pricing-table-one-center pricing-table-white left"> 
        <div class="pricing-table-one-center pricing-table-white left">
        <div class="pricing-table-one-center pricing-table-white left">          
        <div class="pricing-table-one-center pricing-table-white left">
        <div class="pricing-table-one-center pricing-table-white left">  
            <h5>WEST-FRIESE KOFFIETAFEL</h5>
        <div class="pricing-table-one-center pricing-table-white left">
        <div class="pricing-table-one-center pricing-table-white left">
            <h5>EN NOG VEEL MEER</h5>
        <div class="color-buttons color-button-blue pricing-button">
            <a href="mailto:<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="6c05020a032c0803010d0502420200">[email protected]<a>">Voor meer informatie – Email ons</a>

I am looking to create a link for one of the titles inside either a cell or its containing div that will lead to a PDF. While researching, I found out about using jQuery to achieve this but it requires modifying the HTML structure. I am looking for a solution solely based on jQuery or JavaScript. I also came across a helpful snippet from CSS Tricks.

$(".myBox").click(function() {
  window.location = $(this).find("a").attr("href"); 
  return false;

The challenge lies in targeting specific divs within the existing HTML code and making them clickable links. For example:

<div class="pricing-table-one-center pricing-table-white left"><h5>BRUNCH</h5></div>

Is there a way to turn the "BRUNCH" title into a clickable link using JavaScript or jQuery without altering the original PHP server-side code?

Answer №1

After giving a thumbs up to his response, here's a brief excerpt of what I'm referring to. In this scenario, it is assumed that you lack control over the html structure.

$(function () {
  // PDF URLs and their corresponding header names
  var pdfUrls = {
    'BRUNCH': '',
    'DINER': ''

  // Iterate through each h5 tag within pricing-table-one
  $('.pricing-table-one h5').each(function (i, el) {
    var header = $(el).text();

    // Check if a header URL exists
    if (pdfUrls[header]) {
        $(el).wrap('<a href="' + pdfUrls[header] + '"></a>');

Here's a fiddle for further reference:

Answer №2

I don't quite understand your question.

However, it seems like you would like to enclose the div with an <a> tag - this will turn your div into a link -

  • You can achieve this with the following code snippet:

            $( ".pricing-table-one-center" ).wrap( "<a href='#'></a>" );

  • .wrap() - The wrap() method wraps specified HTML element(s) around each selected element.

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