Control the appearance of your Angular UI-Grid by dynamically adjusting the CSS style as the page size changes

How can I dynamically change the CSS style when the page size is adjusted in Angular UI-Grid?

In my use case, I need to display edit/delete options in grey color based on the type of user logged in. The ng-disabled directive is set based on the "row.entity.isEditable" flag from the server side, and the style is applied accordingly.

While this works well when all rows (let's say 15) are displayed in a single view, changing the page size to 5 or 10 causes the style to not render correctly, resulting in inappropriate coloring for the links in the UI.

Could you please advise on how to resolve this issue? Alternatively, do you have any other suggestions for handling this situation?

id  name    actions
1   AAA     view edit delete 
2   BBB     view edit delete 
3   CCC     view edit delete 
4   DDD     view edit delete 

  <div class="box">
        <div class="box-content box-table">
            <div ui-grid="gridUsers" ui-grid-pagination>

<style type="text/css">
    a[disabled="disabled"] {
        pointer-events: none;
    span[disabled="disabled"] {
        color: #a8a8a8 !important

  $scope.gridUsers = {
            paginationPageSizes: [15, 30, 45],
            paginationPageSize: 15,
            enableColumnMenus: false,
            data: $scope.users,
            filterOptions: $scope.filterOptions,
            columnDefs: [{ field: 'id', displayName: 'Id', width: '20%'},
                { field: 'name', displayName: 'Name', width: '25%', enableFiltering: true},
                { name: 'Actions', displayName: 'Actions', width: '55%', cellTemplate:
                '<div class="grid-action-cell action-btns">'+
                '<span class="btn-small"><span style="color:#214c77;">view</span> </a>' +
                '<a ng-disabled={{!row.entity.isEditable}} ng-click="grid.appScope.edit(" class="btn-small btn-link"><span ng-disabled={{!row.entity.isEditable}} style="color:#80bb41;">edit</span> </a>' +
                '<a ng-disabled={{!row.entity.isEditable}} ng-click="grid.appScope.delete(" class="btn-small btn-link"> <span ng-disabled={{!row.entity.isEditable}} style="color:#e15829;">delete</span> </a>' 

 Service.GetAllUsers(function (response) {
            if (response.length != 0) {
                $scope.users = response;
                $ = $scope.users;

Thank you!

Answer №1

Dealing with my custom CSS was a challenge, but I managed to overcome it by explicitly informing the grid about any data changes using the notifyDataChange event.

// Utilizing onRegisterApi to manage grid events
$scope.gridUsers.onRegisterApi = function (gridApi) {
    $scope.gridApi = gridApi;

    // Setting up an event for pagination
    gridApi.pagination.on.paginationChanged($scope, function (newPage, pageSize) {

        // Triggering notifyDataChange to update the grid with new data

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