Control Over Fluid Grid Layouts

Apologies for reaching out, as I usually try to figure things out on my own. However, after spending hours reading through countless pages with no success, I am at my wit's end.

I'm struggling to create a 4-column 'home' landing page for desktop and iPad, which will switch to 2 columns on subpages. When viewed on an iPhone, I want it to display 2 columns only.

So far, I've been unsuccessful in achieving this goal. Whether I get a scaled-down version of the 4 columns or just 1 column on the iPhone screen, it doesn't work for me.

I have provided an image illustrating what I'm aiming for, but I would greatly appreciate guidance from anyone experienced in this area. I am using WordPress and have attempted Bootstrap, responsive themes, and Bones, all with the same unsatisfactory outcome. Each utilizes a responsive fluid grid, but I seem to be missing something crucial. Any help would be tremendously valuable.

Answer №1

To optimize your website layout for different devices, it's important to implement CSS media queries that adjust the styling based on screen size and device width.

By using media queries, you can customize the widths of columns to ensure a responsive design on each device.

For more information on CSS media queries, check out this helpful guide!

Answer №2

New features in Adobe Dreamweaver include the implementation of "Fluid Grid Layouts", which provide a solution for cross-device compatibility issues. These layouts are particularly useful for designing seamlessly across multiple devices, including mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers!

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