Contrasting text-transform: uppercase; and the use of all capital letters

Could you explain the distinction between

<span style="text-transform: uppercase;">some text</span>


<span>SOME TEXT</span>

They appear identical visually, but I've come across a suggestion that it's preferable to keep the text in HTML as normal and apply text-transform: uppercase; in CSS. Does this choice truly make a difference? I've heard that using text-transform: uppercase; can be useful for automatically capitalizing the first letter of each paragraph using pseudo-elements like :first-letter. However, I'm concerned that using text-transform: uppercase; might consume more memory and processing/rendering time.

Answer №1

When considering design and content, it is clear that utilizing CSS is the superior choice.

Primarily, CSS should be the go-to for appearance, while HTML functions to define and organize content.

Imagine having a specific term on your website that you initially want in all capital letters, but later decide should be in small caps or initial caps. Which would be simpler to modify: a single line in a style sheet or numerous instances scattered throughout the text?

Opting for CSS now will undoubtedly simplify your life in the future.

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