Contrasting importing CSS directly in index.html versus using styleUrls in Angular 5

My landing page and dashboard components have different CSS styling, causing one of them to not function properly depending on the CSS. I tried removing these two lines from index.html:

  <link href="./assets/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
  <link href="./assets/css/paper-dashboard.css" rel="stylesheet"/>

Then, in angular.cli, I adjusted the styles array as follows:

"styles": [

After making these changes, my landing page component worked properly but the dashboard did not. However, when I added back the two lines to index.html and updated angular.cli like this:

"styles": [

The landing page stopped working correctly while the dashboard began functioning correctly. I specified the styleUrls like this in my code, but they were not being applied correctly. Does anyone know how I can resolve this issue so that both components work properly? Should I set CSS for each component separately?

  selector: 'dashboard-cmp',
  templateUrl: 'dashboard.component.html',
  styleUrls: [


I noticed that when the angular.cli styles are configured like this:

  "styles": [

The dashboard component works properly, but the landing page does not. When I change the styles configuration to:

  "styles": [

The landing page starts working correctly, but the dashboard stops functioning. I attempted setting styleUrls like this in dashboard.component.ts: ['./dashboard.component.css'], and adding

@import url('/../../assets/css/bootstrap.min.css');
in dashboard.component.css, but the issue persists. Any suggestions on what might be causing this?

Answer №1

Think of components as mini universes within the larger universe of your project. Just as you can customize your own room without affecting the overall look of the house, components allow you to make specific changes without impacting the entire web page. If you want to stick with the same design as the rest of the site, work on the main file. But if you're feeling creative and want to experiment, focus on individual components.

Answer №2

When working with Angular, there are two scopes for CSS: global and component scope. Global CSS is applied throughout the entire application, affecting all components. To include global CSS, you can either add it to the index.html file or register it in the styles section of the .angular-cli.json file.

For example, in the angular-cli.json file:

"styles": [

CSS styles defined within the @Component metadata apply only within the template of that specific component.

For instance, in a Component:

styleUrls: [

More information on component styles in Angular can be found at

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