Content that is set to a fixed position within a hidden element will remain at the top

translate3d(0%, 0px, 0px); is causing issues with my position fixed element. In my demo, you'll notice that clicking the button should open up the content just fine, but it is supposed to stay fixed at the top in a position fixed.

Therefore, when scrolling down with my container (which contains placeholder images), then clicking the button, the hidden content should always open up with the Google image staying fixed at the top.

<div class="container">placekitten images</div>
<button>LOADED-CONTENT comes in translate3d(0%, 0px, 0px)</button>

<div class="sticky">Google image always on top.</div>
<button>back button slides the loaded content translate3d(100%, 0px, 0px)</button>

How can I resolve the issue where translate3d is interfering with the position fixed property?

Answer №1

Perhaps it's worth mentioning the similar issue that has been discussed before.

To summarize, using translate3d creates a new local coordinate system, which can override any specified position attribute!

In simple terms, instead of staying fixed to the viewport (such as at the top), the element is actually fixed relative to the translated element itself!

I came across this example of a fixed top bar with the CSS property translate3d(0,0,0)

I hope this explanation clarifies things for you!

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