Connecting a .css file to a markdown .doc file

I have been attempting to incorporate some .css styling into my Rmarkdown file. To achieve this, I first created a notepad file containing the following code:

#nextsteps {
color: blue;

.emphasized {
font-size: 1.2em;

Subsequently, I saved this file as styles.css.

Next, I generated an .Rmd file in the same directory with the following content:

title: "test2"
output: html_document
 theme: null
 highlight: null
 css: styles.css

 ## Next Steps {#nextsteps}

However, upon attempting to knit the file, I encountered the following error message:

 Error in yaml::yaml.load(enc2utf8(string), ...) : 
 Scanner error: mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 3, column 9
 Calls: <Anonymous> ... yaml_load_utf8 -> mark_utf8 -> <Anonymous> -> .Call
 Execution halted

Do you have any insights into what might be causing this issue?

Answer №1

Proper formatting is key when working with YAML.

title: "sample"
    theme: none
    highlight: none
    css: styles.css

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