Connect HTML and CSS files to your Meteor project

I need to incorporate a pre-existing lengthy form that includes both CSS and HTML files into my current meteor project. How can I achieve this? Is it possible to accomplish it in the following manner:

<template name = "premadeForm">
    somehow connect with other HTML and CSS files

and then merge that template into my application:

{{> premadeForm}}

I may be approaching this task in an impractical way. Thank you for any assistance provided.

Answer №1

To include the css file in your project, simply place it under the public directory like so: /public/main.css. You can then link to it using yourapp.tld/main.css

After that, you'll need to add a link tag in your template with the src attribute pointing to the specified URL. It's uncertain whether it will load properly in the header, but placing it in the body might work better for your needs.

I hope this explanation helps!

Answer №2

The most convenient method involves directly inserting the HTML code into your existing premadeForm template. By placing the CSS file in the client folder, it should function seamlessly without any additional steps.

If you prefer to maintain separate files, you can manually load them using the 'public' folder approach recommended by @p4bloch. Storing these files in the public directory allows access from the client side but does not automatically apply them. In this case, you would need to initiate loading via an ajax call:

Assuming the files are located within the 'public' folder:

Load HTML as needed:

$.get( "yourform.html", function( data ) {
  $( ".result" ).html( data );
  alert( "Loading complete." );


Load CSS dynamically:

$("<link/>", {
   rel: "stylesheet",
   type: "text/css",
   href: "yourcss.css"

Source: Load external css file like scripts in jquery which is compatible in ie also

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