Configuring a Revolution Slider 5+ layer to display as a fixed layer

I wish to keep a consistent shape below my text on all the slides without any flickering.

Although Revolution Slider offers static layers, they always appear on top and cannot be layered beneath other slide layers.

I attempted to create a layer with no transitions on each slide, but it vanished when I set everything to 0.

How can I: 1. Create a static layer that can be placed beneath other layers 2. Adjust the transitions on my slide layers to prevent them from transitioning in and out, creating the illusion of a static layer?

Answer №1

It's a challenging question because achieving perfection in revolution 5 without using a background image beneath the text seems nearly impossible.

The best approach would be to utilize a static/global layer for the bottom layer, but revolution 5 has a tendency to override z-index and other styling properties, always forcing the layer to display on top. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a solution here.

Another option is to place the layer on every slide in the same position and disable all animations, making it appear static on each slide. However, even if you disable animations, revolution 5 still utilizes animation speed parameters, causing the layer to flicker. If you set the speed to 0, the layer vanishes inexplicably.

The only workaround I can suggest is to manipulate the settings in a way that may not be perfect but could be deemed acceptable. For the bottom (static) layer, select No-Animation and No-Out Animation under the Animation menu. Adjust the animation speeds to 100 for in animation and 1000 for out animation. This will create a continuous appearance without flickering, although there may still be some slight flicker present.

Experiment with fade-in effects and varying animation speeds, ensuring that the out animation duration allows for the next slide's in animation to smoothly transition. It's not an ideal solution, but it might achieve the desired effect.

I hope this advice proves useful, and ideally, the creators of revolution 5 will address this issue in future updates.

Answer №2

Encountered the same issue today and I have a different perspective on the accepted solution. I believe that you can easily modify the z-index of static layers using a CSS override.

Revolution Slider comes equipped with a built-in custom CSS editor, so navigate to your Slider settings, scroll down to the bottom, and input the following snippet:

.tp-static-layers {
z-index: 0;

Voila! All static layers will now display beneath regular layers.


In newer versions of revslider, each slide's <li> container has a specific z-index. Consider trying out the following CSS:

.tp-static-layers {
  z-index: 1;
} > li {
  z-index: unset !important;

DISCLAIMER: This solution has not been thoroughly tested and may potentially disrupt animations.

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