Condition-triggered Jquery Sticky navigation dynamically enables scrolling functionality

After successfully implementing a sticky navigation that works flawlessly, I am now looking to make it activate only when the browser width is less than or equal to 770px.

This is my current code:

$j = jQuery.noConflict();

$j(document).ready(function() {
  var navOffset = $j(".main-nav").offset().top;
  var wi = $j(window).width();
  var sticky;
  $j(".responsive-icon").wrapInner('<div class="value"></div>');
  $j(".main-nav").wrap('<div class="nav-placeholder"></div>');

  function activateStickyNavigation() { /*Function to make navigation sticky*/
    sticky = $j(window).scroll(function() {
              var scrollPos = $j(window).scrollTop();
              if (scrollPos >= navOffset) {
                $j(".main-nav").attr("id", "fixed-menu");
              } else {
    return sticky;

  if(wi <= 770) { /*Activate immediately if browser width is less than 770px */
  $j(window).resize(function() { /*Activate on browser resize*/
    if(wi <= 770) {

How can I trigger the activation of the sticky navigator based on the browser's width?


Answer №1

To create a sticky scroll event and ensure it only fires during specific conditions, you can use the following code:

/*Sticky navigation function*/
   var stickyFunction = (function() {
              var scrollPos = $j(window).scrollTop();
              if (scrollPos >= navOffset) {
                $j(".main-nav").attr("id", "fixed-menu");
              } else {

Rather than using a separate function for the sticky navigation, you can simplify it by directly assigning it to an event listener:

$j(window).on('scroll', stickyFunction);

To handle window resizing and manage the sticky behavior accordingly, utilize the following code:

$j(window).on('resize', function() { /*Check if the browser is resized*/
 wi = $j(window).width();        
 if(wi <= 770) {

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