Condense a lineup of names into only two rows

I have a challenge where I need to showcase a list of names separated by commas, pulled from an array in my React component. The HTML output should appear as follows:

<span>Liza</span>, <span>Eric</span>, <span>Michael</span>, <span>Natalie</span>, <span>Stephan</span>
<a href="#" className="show-more hidden">and {remaining} more...</a>

However, it is crucial that this list is displayed within 2 lines of content. If the list exceeds this limit, the number of remaining names that are hidden must be shown:

Liza, Eric,

Michael -and 2 more...-

In addition, the display needs to be responsive (only showing 'X more' when truncating) with the list being cut off at the final visible name so that the "and X more" text fits within 2 lines.

Can anyone suggest an effective approach for solving this problem? I suspect a pure CSS solution may not suffice due to the truncation needed.

Thank you!

PS: An image example of the desired outcome would be helpful.

Answer №1

There may be some CSS solutions for truncating text, but with React, you can achieve this:

  1. Display your list of names without truncation and hide the elements using visibility/opacity
  2. Add a ref callback to each item:
    <span ref={item => this.items.push(item)}
  3. In the componentDidMount() lifecycle method, loop through this.items to calculate the total width of all items (item1.width + item2.width ...)
  4. Once the total width exceeds the container's width, it's time to truncate the remaining items.
  5. Update the internal state or use other means to re-render the list with truncation (
    this.setState({truncate: true, remainingItemCount: x})
  6. The render function can now utilize this state to correctly display the truncated list (you can also revert the visibility back to normal)

Learn more about the ref callback attribute in React documentation.

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