Currently, I am faced with the task of creating my header using bootstrap in such a way that only the brand is displayed on screens larger than small, while the links are hidden. However, on smaller screens, I would like to have a collapsible button for the navigation menu.
You can view my website here:
<div id="collapsable-nav" class="collapse navbar-collapse d-block d-sm-none">
<ul id="nav-list" class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right ">
<li class="link-button">
<a href="#chicken">Chicken</a>
<li class="link-button">
<a href="#beef">Beef</a>
<li class="link-button">
<a href="#sushi">Sushi</a>
I've tried adding the d-block d-sm-none classes in both the div and ul elements, but unfortunately, nothing seems to be working as intended. I would greatly appreciate any assistance or suggestions. Thank you!