Conceal or reveal radio buttons according to information in a table

How can I dynamically add and remove values from a table based on radio button selections? My goal is to add the selected value to the table and hide it from the radio button list, and if the value is deleted from the table, I want to show it back in the radio button list. Any suggestions or ideas on how to achieve this?

Radio Button List:

foreach (var item in Model.ServicesList)
    <div class="col-md-4">
        <div class="funkyradio-default">
            @Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model.SelectedServiceID, @item.ServiceID, new { @class = "form-control ", @id = @item.ServiceID, @required = "required", title = "Select Service" })
            <label name="ServiceName" id="<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="f3a09681859a9096bd929e96acb39a87969edda09681859a9096bab7">[email protected]</a>" for="@item.ServiceID"> @item.ServiceName</label>

            @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.SelectedServiceID, "", new { @class = "validation-label" })


<div class="row ">
    <div class="col-6">
        <table class="table main-table" id="ServicesTable">

JQuery Function:

function AddNewService() {
    var SelectedServiceID = $('[name="SelectedServiceID"]:checked').val();

        type: "Post",
        url: '/IndividualLicense/CheckServiceRequirment',
        data: { "SelectedServiceID": $('[name="SelectedServiceID"]:checked').val(), "MainServiceID": $('#MainServiceID').val() },
        success: function(data) {

            if (data.Result == true) {

                var table = document.getElementById("ServicesTable");

                var Services = [];

                    'SelectedServiceID': SelectedServiceID,
                    'MainServiceID': $("#MainServiceID").val(),
                    'ServiceName': $("#ServiceName_" + SelectedServiceID).text(),


                for (i = 0; i < Services.length; i++) {
                    let content = "<tr style='border-bottom: 1px solid #dee2e6;'>";
                    for (j = 0; j < Services.length; j++) {
                        content += '<td>' + Services[j].ServiceName + '</td>';
                        content += "<td><div><button id='" + Services[j].SelectedServiceID + "' class='btn btn-view delete' name='delete' type='button'>Delete</button></div></td>";
                        content += '<td style="display:none">' + Services[j].SelectedServiceID + '</td>';
                        content += '<td style="display:none">' + Services[j].MainServiceID + '</td>';

                    content += "</tr>";


Answer №1

To easily achieve this, you can utilize the data attribute as demonstrated in the following example:

$(document).ready(() => {
  // checkbox change event when input checked/unchecked
  $(document).on('change', 'input:checkbox' , (e) => {
    if({  // if checked
      const serviceID = $(;  //get its value
      $('li').remove();   // remove the closest li
      $('table').append(rowHTML(serviceID)); // append to the table with id value
  // delete the row
  $(document).on('click' , ".btn.delete" , (e) => {
    const get_row = $('tr');  // get closest row/tr
    const get_row_id = get_row.attr('data-serviceID-row'); // get the data-serviceID-row from <tr data-serviceID-row="5">
    get_row.remove(); // remove the row
    $('ul').append(inputHTML(get_row_id)); // append the li with input to the ul

// The HTML 
function rowHTML(serviceID){
  return '<tr data-serviceID-row="'+ serviceID +'"><td>Service ID '+ serviceID +'</td><td><span class="btn delete">Delete</span></td></tr>';
function inputHTML(serviceID){
  return '<li><input type="checkbox" value="'+ serviceID +'" />Service ID '+ serviceID +'</li>';
<script src=""></script>
  <tr data-serviceID-row="5">
    <td>Service ID 5</td>
    <td><span class="btn delete">Delete</span></td>

  <li><input type="checkbox" value="1"/>Service ID 1</li>
  <li><input type="checkbox" value="2"/>Service ID 2</li>
  <li><input type="checkbox" value="3"/>Service ID 3</li>
  <li><input type="checkbox" value="4"/>Service ID 4</li>

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