Conceal Choices During Search using jQuery Select2

I'm having trouble figuring out how to make the Select2 plugin work for my specific color selection feature.

My goal is to allow users to choose 5 colors from a list, including an "Other" option. When the user selects "Other", they should be able to pick a custom color using a color picker. To achieve this, I created 5 options all named "Other" so that users can select it multiple times if needed. However, I am facing issues with hiding the "Other" options that are not the first one displayed when users search for a color.

I've tried using the following code snippet to show/hide the "Other" options:

$('.multi-select').select2('misc options').on("select2:open", function () {

However, binding the same function to the search input element causes erratic flashing of elements and the top "Other" option floating above the select object. This flashing occurs due to conflicting event bindings within the plugin.

I have attempted various solutions such as modifying CSS selectors and applying classes to the <li></li> elements created by Select2, but none have been successful.

Answer №1

If you want to achieve your desired result without modifying the "Other" option, a combination of the select2:select event and the maximumSelectionLength options would be more suitable.

To start, include a default list of colors in your markup along with an "Other" option:

<select multiple="multiple">
  <option value="red">Red</option>
  <option value="blue">Blue</option>
  <option value="green">Green</option>
  <option value="yellow">Yellow</option>
  <option value="custom">Other</option>

The value for the "Other" option can be set as custom, serving as the flag option to trigger the display of the color picker when selected.

To limit selections to five colors using Select2, initialize it with the maximumSelectionLength option set to 5. Refer to the documentation for an example.

var $element = $("select").select2({
  maximumSelectionSize: 5

Next, implement the color picker functionality by detecting the selection of the "Other" option through the select2:select event.

$element.on("select2:select", function (evt) {
  // handle the "Other" option

Specifically check for the selection of the "Other" option based on the data passed in and unselect it immediately to allow picking additional custom colors.

function (evt) {
  if ( === 'custom') { = false;

Proceed with selecting a color, either by using a synchronous prompt or any asynchronous color picker method. Create a custom <option selected> for the chosen color to update the selection.

var color = prompt("Pick a color, any color");
var option = new Option(color, color, null, true);

Now, Select2 will display the newly selected custom color alongside other choices, allowing users to pick multiple custom colors by selecting the "Other" option multiple times.

Combining these steps provides you with the complete solution. You can test the code live on this jsbin link:,js,output

Answer №2

The solution dawned on me. By utilizing the field values as unique identifiers in the backend, I cleverly appended "-other-color" to create a specific CSS selector and eliminate the annoying flickering issue.

.select2-results__options li[id*="-other-color"][aria-selected="false"] ~ li[id*="-other-color"][aria-selected="false"]{

Considering the list contains more than just color options, employing the tilde selector was essential for targeting elements following the specified attributes.

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