Conceal a script-generated div using CSS styling

Using the code below, you can create an HTML chatbox with a link in the top panel and multiple child divs. The structure is as follows: cgroup is the parent of CBG, which is the parent of CGW, and CGW is the parent of the div I want to hide.
How can I use CSS to exclusively set "display = none" for the child div with id=HEAD?

<script id="cid0020000101807397328" data-cfasync="false" async src="//" style="width: 603px;height: 471px;">

Answer №1

When you embed a chatbox within an <iframe>, your ability to control the styling of individual elements on the page loaded inside the <iframe> is limited.

Any CSS changes made to the parent page will not affect the content within the frame. Additionally, trying to manipulate the document inside the frame using JavaScript may trigger a security exception due to the browser's Same Origin Policy, which restricts access to pages from different domains:

For further information, check out this question:
Ways to circumvent the same-origin policy

So, what's the solution?

Your best bet is to explore if the chatbox plugin offers customization options that meet your requirements.

Answer №2

If your script generates an element structured as <div id="head">, you can directly target it using the following CSS syntax:

#head {
  display: none;

While it's important to avoid having multiple elements with the same ID on a page, you can guarantee that only the intended <div> is hidden by being more specific and utilizing the > child selector approach:

#cgroup > #CBG > #CGW > #head {
  display: none;

This code snippet will exclusively impact a <div> that has an ID of <head>, situated within a parent ID of CGW, which in turn is nested inside a parent ID of CBG, and ultimately contained within a parent ID of cgroup.

Hopefully this explanation proves helpful to you! :)

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