Conceal a div element after redirecting to a different HTML page

I have a dilemma with my two HTML pages - index.html and register.html. I am trying to navigate from index.html to register.html, but I want to skip the select region step and go straight to the login page. Here's the code snippet I've been attempting:

$("#lgnToProfile").on("click", function(){
    window.location.href = "register.html";

Could someone please review this and provide guidance on how to fix it? What am I doing wrong?

I checked out some solutions suggested on Stack Overflow, specifically regarding showing a DIV or section after redirecting to an HTML page, but unfortunately, none of them have worked for me.

Answer №1

To avoid altering your URL path, you can utilize "localStorage":

var currentPath = window.location.pathname;
var savedPath   = localStorage.getItem('previousPage');

// check if a page has been saved
if (typeof savedPath === 'string') {

    // condition for when the current page is "register.html" and the saved page is "index.html"
    if (currentPath.match('/register.html') && savedPath.match('/index.html')) {

// save current page
localStorage.setItem('previousPage', currentPath);

Answer №2

After transitioning to a new webpage, any Javascript that was executed on the previous page becomes ineffective.

To address this, you must somehow communicate to register.html that it should hide the select region div and then proceed to conceal the div using a script within register.html.

For instance, in index.html, you can append a query string parameter to notify register.html.

$("#lgnToProfile").on("click", function() {
    window.location.href = "register.html?hideSlctRgn=1";

Subsequently, in register.html, upon document readiness, verify if the parameter is present and hide the div accordingly.

$(function() {
    if ('hideSlctRgn=1') != -1 ) {

There exist alternative (and preferable) methods for detecting the presence of a query string parameter, but the above serves as a straightforward approach. Instead of a query string parameter, you could also utilize a cookie or explore the option of utilizing local storage.

Answer №3

In order to proceed to the next page, it is important to examine the referer page. Since JavaScript lacks access to the referer page, one can achieve this by utilizing an anchor or hash to verify the referer and display/ conceal the necessary elements.

Simply add a link on index.html without requiring a click event in jQuery, directing to the registration page with an appended hash name: register.html#referer. The term referer can be customized as needed.

Upon reaching register.html, one must assess the value of the hash:

$(document).ready(function() {

    // retrieve the hash value
    var hash = window.location.hash;

    // check if the hash exists and corresponds to “referer” (the chosen hash value)
    if(hash == "#referer") {

        // implement your code to display or hide elements



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