compress a website to display advertisement

Here is a JSFiddle link I would like to share with you:

I am currently working on squeezing the webpage to display an ad on the right side.

It works well on desktop browsers, but I am facing issues with iPad Safari/Chrome browsers as the page is not getting squeezed properly.

Below are the functions that I am using to squeeze and unsqueeze the webpage:

 function squeeze_page(){'160px';'160px';'-160px';'hidden !important'; 

 function unsqueeze_page(){'';'';'';

If you have any suggestions or alternative methods to squeeze the webpage effectively, please let me know.

Answer №1

Could this be the solution you're seeking? Check it out here: JSFIDDLE

If your goal is to make the AD slide in from the right when displayed, utilizing a CSS transition similar to my illustration would be more effective.

Initially, establish a container for the content as shown in my example:

<div id="container">
    <!-- Your Content Here -->

This container encapsulates all your <p> content. By applying the following CSS:

#test {
    -webkit-transition: all ease-in-out 1s;
    -moz-transition: all ease-in-out 1s;
    transition: all ease-in-out 1s;
} {

With position:fixed;, its position remains fixed within the viewport while scrolling. Setting top and bottom to 0 ensures full height coverage. The defined transition facilitates the sliding effect from right to left upon display.

A similar approach applies to the styled div container:

#container {
    -webkit-transition: all ease-in-out 1s;
    -moz-transition: all ease-in-out 1s;
    transition: all ease-in-out 1s;
#container.squeezed {

This configuration gives the appearance of being compressed by the AD.

Subsequently, utilize this script for dynamically adding or removing classes from #container and #test:

window.onscroll = function () {
    if (pageYOffset > 100) {
    } else if (pageYOffset < 100) {

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