Complete view of OpenLayers map in the UI window

I am currently working on an angularjs app with Angular Material built using the yeoman fullstack generator. In my index.html file, I have a navbar and a ui-view that displays the site's content.

<!-- index.html --!>
<!-- Add your site or application content here -->
<div ng-include="'components/navbar/navbar.html'"></div>
<div ui-view></div>

When loading the main.html page, the

<div ng-include="'app/map/map.html'"></div>
contains an openlayers map that does not fill the window as intended due to its height being inconsistent. There is also a direct route for accessing the map.

Adjusting the ui-view's height to 100% has not been successful and it does not meet the specific requirements. The map itself should take up 100% of the screen while other elements loaded in the ui-view should not. I am seeking assistance in getting this map to occupy the entire window.

The map.html file loads the open layers directive which can be found here. Additionally, I attempted using flex from angular material without success. It seems there must be a way to achieve this task, but despite my efforts to add height and/or flex tags to various DOM elements, I have not succeeded.

Answer №1

If you are looking to implement a full-height openlayers map in a ui-view using angular material with a toolbar, here is a simple solution:

Make sure that both body and html elements have their height set to 100%.

<div layout="column" style="height: 100%">
    <div ng-include="'components/navbar/navbar.html'"></div>
    <ui-view flex style="position:relative;"></ui-view>

Within the ui-view, place something like the following (or wrap your openlayers map in another element):

<openlayers style="position: absolute" width="100%" height="100%">        

The key is to utilize position: absolute on the children within [flex].


Don't forget that the div containing the layout attribute should also be full height.

Check out this jsfiddle for a live demo:

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