Complete the transparent logo by showing the progress of the page loading

I am pondering the idea of filling in a logo based on the percentage of the page load.

My initial thoughts are to use a gif, but I wonder if syncing a gif with the % of page load is really possible. Another idea is to have 100 images that change out depending on the page load percentage - for example, displaying logo_60.png when the page is 60% loaded, and so on.

Any suggestions on the best approach to achieve this?

Thank you!

Answer №1

Creating a tool that accurately displays the loading progress of a website can be quite complex. Opting for a gif may not be the best solution, as it cannot be synchronized with the actual progress of loading.

My suggestion would be to consider utilizing a pre-made plugin instead. You can refer to this helpful post:

How to show a running progress bar while page is loading

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