Complete guide on updating table styles by implementing a dark mode toggle button

I recently implemented a dark mode toggle button in my project after watching a tutorial on YouTube. Here is the HTML code for it:

<div class="dark-div">
     <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="chk" />
     <label class="label" for="chk">
            <i class="fas fa-moon"></i>
            <i class="fas fa-sun"></i>
            <div class="ball"></div>

My goal is to dynamically change the table class name when the dark mode button is clicked. The table uses Bootstrap classes, and I specifically want to switch from one Bootstrap class to another (for a dark table).

This is how my table is defined in HTML:

<table id="myTable" class="sortable table table-striped table-hover dataframe">

I need to change the class to "sortable table table-dark table-hover dataframe" upon clicking the dark mode button.

The JavaScript code for the dark mode toggle button looks like this:

        const chk = document.getElementById('chk');

chk.addEventListener('change', () => {

Answer №1

Instead of toggling the class on the body, make sure to target your table element in the event listener callback:


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