This inquiry is a continuation of that discussion. Initially, the buttons on the page are not "linked" but become so when the user clicks on the blue button with an icon inside.
Here are the conditions:
If two buttons are linked (action upon clicking the blue button), then the others should also link together (connecting with the numbers around)[this functionality is working]Afterwards, if the user clicks on any button, all three buttons should detach from the connected numbers
The following HTML code is being used (with Bootstrap 3):
<div class="col-sm-12 interfacesBridge">
<h3 class="text-info">Interfaces</h3>
<!-- Buttons Layout -->
In addition to the HTML, here is the jQuery code that complements it:
// JQuery Logic
(function($) {
// Javascript Code Here....
I have made numerous attempts to achieve the desired result, but have hit a roadblock. Please refer to the accompanying jsfiddle demonstration.