Combining nested lists with the tag-it plugin from jQuery, you can create a list inside a list all

Currently, I am utilizing the Tag-it jQuery plugin found at Tag-it, which functions within a ul element.

Within my horizontal list (a ul with multiple li elements), I aim to add another li element containing the Tag-it ul list alongside the main horizontal list.

The issue lies in my inability to have the tag-it element align on the same line as the other elements before it.

To clarify, this question is not about creating a horizontal list, but rather placing a ul inside a ul on a single line.

For example:

    <ul style="list-style:none; padding-left:0;">
    <li style="display: inline;"> 1 </li>
    <li style="display: inline;"> 2 </li>
    <li style="display: inline;"> 3 </li>
    <li style="display: inline;"> 
        <ul style="list-style:none; padding-left:0;">
            <li style="display: inline;"> a </li>
            <li style="display: inline;"> b </li>
            <li style="display: inline;"> c </li>

You can see the example in action on jsfiddle.

Thank you in advance!


While the suggested solutions may work for a straightforward example, they do not apply to the Tag-it plugin specifically - the focus of my query. Therefore, I have adjusted the title and provided examples that do not function with the current answers: Example 1 Example 2

Answer №1

By default, unordered lists are set to display as block elements. To change this and make them display inline, just specify the <ul> element to have a display: inline property.

Answer №2

To ensure everything fits into a single line, it is essential to inline all elements.


<ul><li> 1 </li><li> 2 </li><li> 3 </li><li> <ul><li> a </li><li> b </li><li> c </li></ul></li></ul>


ul { border: 1px solid; } ul li { display: inline; } ul ul { display: inline-table; border: 1px solid; } ul ul li { display: inline; }

UPDATE: Please change the styling for ul ul to 'inline-table'. I have adjusted your jsfiddle.

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