Combining my CSS and JS files is causing code issues (works on my Mac, but not on the server)

Currently, I am in the process of merging my CSS and JS files before minifying them with the YUI compressor. My web application functions perfectly when each file is linked individually.

Now, I am attempting to combine all the files into one single CSS file using the command:

find /myapp/js/ -type f -name "incl_*.js" -exec cat {} + > ./temporary/js_backend_merged.js

This successfully merges all my javascript files. However, when I perform this action on my CentOS server, my JS begins to display errors. The same issue occurs when merging CSS files - they do not render correctly on the CentOS server but work fine when merged on my MAC.

Interestingly, I have executed the same merging process flawlessly on a previous CentOS server without any issues.

I suspect that the problem may be related to a character set discrepancy on the server. Can anyone help me solve this perplexing mystery that has already consumed two full days of my time?

UPDATE: It seems that the command find /myapp/js/ -type f -name "incl_*.js" -exec cat {} + > ./temporary/js_backend_merged.js arranges the files from incl_01 to incl_02, etc., correctly on the mac. However, the order is different on the server.

Although I see that using sort -n can sort the results, I am unable to integrate this sorting option successfully into the above command.

Answer №1

(search for all files in the /myapp/js/ directory with names starting with "incl_", sort them alphabetically, concatenate their contents) > ./temporary/js_backend_merged.js

This command will locate all relevant files, organize them in order, and combine their content using the 'cat' command.

Finally, the merged content is saved in a file named js_backend_merged.js

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