Combining CSS Sprites with D3.js

I'm attempting to add HTML elements inside a <circle> and then utilize CSS-Sprites for styling, but I'm having trouble getting them to display!

This is my current approach:

 //Creating the node for use in Force Layout
 var node = svg.selectAll(".container")
    .attr("class", "dot")
    .attr("r", radius)
    .attr("cx", function(d) { return x(d[xVar]); }) 
    .attr("cy", function(d) { return y(d[yVar]); }) 
    .attr('class',  function(d) {
      return 'sprite '+ d['css-code'];

Here is my CSS code:

    position: absolute; 
    background:url(sprite.png) no-repeat;

.ad{background-position:0 -704px;}
.ae{background-position:0 -736px;}

Although they are being created and the browser inspector shows correct CSS properties, they are not visible.

How can I effectively use CSS-Sprites with D3's Force Layout?

Answer №1

The <i> tags you're trying to insert within the SVG <circle> elements are not valid SVG markup. There are a few alternative methods you could consider.

  • One option is to wrap the nodes in <g> elements, which would contain both the <circle> elements and another element for the sprite.

  • Another approach is to place the HTML sprites directly into the HTML container for the graph and position them absolutely to align with the node positions.

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