CodeMirror version 5.62.3 is experiencing some challenges with the scrollbar functionality, editor size, and line wrapping

During my HTML/CSS/JS coding session, I encountered a challenge with CodeMirror version 5.62.3. Specifically, I was striving to make the scrollbar visible in the code editor, using C# as the language mode. However, despite setting the editor's height to 100% for consistency with the HTML document size, the scrollbar appeared static and non-functional. This rendered scrolling impossible, leaving me puzzled.

I speculated if this issue stemmed from an unstable release of CodeMirror or a browser glitch. The problem extended beyond the unresponsive scrollbar to ineffective line wrapping and overall editor sizing discrepancies. Despite consulting various documentation sources, I failed to comprehend CodeMirror\'s functionality fully or find satisfactory solutions.

To aid in diagnosing this complication, I provide the complete HTML page below. Adjustments had been made to hide irrelevant content under the project alias "something".

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src=""></script>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
        <script src=""></script>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
            .CodeMirror {
                line-height: 28px;
                font-family: Lucida Console;
                overflow: auto;
                height: 100%;
        <div id="editor"></div>
            var editor = CodeMirror(document.getElementById("editor"), {
      mode: "text/x-csharp",
      lineNumbers: true,
      indentUnit: 4,
      tabSize: 4,
      theme: "monokai",
      lineWrapping: true,
      value: `// Welcome to something!\n// something allows you to test out C# and MSIL online.\n\n// x is supported!\n// You can run x and x for fully free.\n\// You can do so by going into the gear icon on the right.\n\n// something is still in beta!\n// So expect some classes, methods, or properties not yet to be implemented.
      \n// Note: something is not any associated with Microsoft.\n\n// Happy coding! :)\n\nusing System;\n\nnamespace Solution1\n{\n    internal sealed class Program\n    {\n        internal static void Main(string[] args)\n        {\n            Console.WriteLine("Demo test app!");\n            Environment.Exit(0);\n        }\n    }\n}`
    editor.setSize("50%", "100%");

Despite efforts, attempts to scroll within the editor yielded no results. To address concerns about my setup, I confirm that I am running Google Chrome version 116 and do not leverage Node.js for operations, opting instead for CDN-based JavaScript libraries.

If anyone can assist or offer suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely, -winscripter.

Answer №1

After extensive troubleshooting, I was finally able to identify the root cause.

The code snippet in question is:

editor.setSize("50%", "100%");

This implementation is incorrect. Initially, I mistakenly believed that using "100%" would adjust the size according to the HTML document, but that assumption was inaccurate. To achieve the desired outcome, we should utilize 100vh instead:

editor.setSize("50%", "100vh");

Furthermore, it is important to remove the overflow: auto attribute from the CSS.

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