Close the gap in the CSS for the image tag

I am facing an issue.

Whenever I include an img Tag in my HTML File, there is a Gap around the tag. It is neither margin nor padding. I wonder what it could be?

Could someone please assist me in removing the gap with CSS?

<img src="../images/modules/Bildergalerie2.jpg" />

Thank you

<img src="../images/modules/Bildergalerie2.jpg" />

Answer №1

The space between the images is due to them being inline elements, following the same rules as text. To resolve this issue, you can either change the display property to block or adjust the vertical-align (setting it to bottom). For more in-depth information, check out an informative article on Mozilla at,_Tables,_and_Mysterious_Gaps

Answer №2

Here is a suggestion for you:

img{border:none 0;}

Answer №3

img {display: block;}//helps to eliminate the space

Answer №4

When it comes to IMG tags, they are considered inline elements and their spacing is influenced by white-space. The amount of space surrounding an IMG tag actually depends on the font-family chosen for your website. To adjust this in CSS, you can target the element like so:

    display: block;

Keep in mind that applying this change will cause the image to break the line and shift to a new one.

Answer №5

  • Check to ensure that the border color is different from the background color
  • Confirm that there is no unwanted margin or padding being inherited from other elements
  • Ensure that in your CSS, margins (and padding) for images are explicitly set to zero, as some browsers have default styles with a margin for images
  • Verify that any gaps are not part of the image itself
  • Include code snippet...

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