Clicking on the icon will reveal a drop-down menu in ReactJS

Currently, I have a Navbar setup with a conditional statement that displays the user-icon if the userstatus is true (indicating the user is signed in), otherwise it shows the signin. My goal is to make it so that when I click on either the user-icon or signin, a drop-down menu appears. I plan on using this for a logout button later on. I'm having trouble figuring out how to achieve this functionality. While looking at the documentation on , I noticed that I can implement something similar but I want to use my own icon (glyphicon glyphicon-user) instead of the standard rectangle box.

  • I want to achieve a design like the one shown below, but instead of using a Dropdown button, I want to incorporate the user-icon.

If you have any suggestions or pointers, please share them with me.

-Code excerpt

  <a className="active" href="/signin">
    {userstatus ? (
      <a className=" signin-icon glyphicon glyphicon-user"></a>
    ) : (

Answer №1

One option that I do not recommend is to override the Bootstrap CSS, as it can be a lot of work and hassle. This involves resetting all the CSS and using !important for a lot of styles.

Another alternative is to create your own dropdown menu, which I personally find to be much simpler than dealing with the previous solution's complications.

If you are using React hooks, for example:

const [isDropdownOpen, setDropdownOpen] = useState(false);
const [list, setList] = useState([1, 2, 3]);
const toggleDropDown = () => setDropdownOpen(!isDropdownOpen);
const DropdownList = useMemo(() => => <div>el</div>));
return (
<button class="signin-icon glyphicon glyphicon-user" onClick={toggleDropDown}>
{isDropdownOpen ? DropdownList : false}

Answer №2

Insert the following classes

<Dropdown.Toggle variant="light" className="bg-white border-0 p-0 success" id="dropdown-basic">


.dropdown-toggle:after {
   border: 0;

Answer №3

After reviewing the provided link, you have the opportunity to customize the following:

  <Dropdown.Toggle variant="success" id="dropdown-basic">
    {* insert your preferred icon code *} (//for example, I used <FaBeer /> )

    <Dropdown.Item href="#/action-1">First Action</Dropdown.Item>
    <Dropdown.Item href="#/action-2">Second Action</Dropdown.Item>
    <Dropdown.Item href="#/action-3">Another Option</Dropdown.Item>

You can modify the actions as desired within the Dropdown.Menu tag.

Answer №4

There are many ways to accomplish this task. By doing a simple search engine query, you'll come across numerous methods. One technique involves using pure CSS to create a dropdown menu by placing menu items and a menu button within a parent div. The menu items will only appear when the parent div is hovered over.

.dropdown {
  width: 100px;
  background: purple;
.dropdown .item {
  display: none;

.dropdown:hover .item{
  display: block;
<div class="dropdown">
<div class="item">
item 1

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