Click the button to trigger the pop-up

After creating a photo gallery using a plugin, my goal is to display this gallery when the user clicks on my homepage button.

I am unsure how to make this happen and would appreciate any assistance.

Below is my button code:

<div class="ow-button-base ow-button-align-center">
    <a class="ow-button-hover" target="_blank" id="introduction" onclick="intro_on">
        <span>Click me to see gallery</span>

And here is my photo gallery code:

<div class="huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_1" style="max-height: 1800px; overflow: visible;">
<div id="huge_it_loading_image_1" class="display" style="display: none;"></div>

Answer №1

When the span element within the introduction section is clicked, the loading image with ID #huge_it_loading_image_1 will be displayed.

Answer №2

One way to achieve this effect is by utilizing the jQuery show() method:

To make an element with a class of "huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_1" visible, you can simply call $(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_1").show();

Just remember to initially hide the element in your CSS by setting its display property to none.

Answer №3

For this straightforward task, utilizing jQuery is unnecessary.

To accomplish the task, insert a script tag at the end of your document containing some JavaScript code.

    function activate_loading() {
        document.getElementById("huge_it_loading_image_1").style.display = 'block'; 

Don't forget to update the onclick attribute in your HTML to "activate_loading()" so that it can be executed as a JavaScript function.

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