Click outside to toggle dropdown and hide it

My dropdown menu is currently working, but I would like it to close when I click outside of it. I've tried various solutions provided in other posts, but I just can't seem to get it right. Can someone please help me figure out what I am missing? Thank you!

$("#toggle").on('click', function() {


.dropdown {
  background: red;
  display: none;

.dropdown--visible {
  display: block;
<script src=""></script>

<button id="toggle">Toggle dropdown</button>

<div class="dropdown">

Answer №1

$("#toggle").on('blur click', function() {

.dropdown {
  background: red;
  display: none;

.dropdown--visible {
  display: block!important;
.dropdown--invisible {
  display: none;
<script src=""></script>

<button id="toggle">Toggle dropdown</button>

<div class="dropdown">

Answer №2

By setting up a click event listener for the entire document, it will respond every time you click anywhere on the page. To target specific elements like dropdowns, you can use a common class to filter out those events.

<button id="toggle" class="dd">Toggle dropdown</button>

<div class="dropdown dd">

  if (!$('dd')) {        

It is recommended to use removeClass() instead of hide(), as hide() directly applies a display:none; style which may be difficult to manage.

Answer №3

This solution features a vanilla-flavored approach using a handleDropdown function that evaluates two specific conditions:
- First, it checks if the toggle button was clicked.
- Secondly, it verifies if the dropdown is currently hidden.

If both conditions are met, the dropdown will be displayed. Otherwise, it will be hidden.

const dropdown = document.getElementsByClassName("dropdown")[0],
      toggle = document.getElementById("toggle");
document.addEventListener("click", handleDropdown);

function handleDropdown(event){
  if( == toggle && != "block"){ = "block";
  else{ = "none";
.dropdown {
  background: red;
  display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<button id="toggle">Toggle dropdown</button>
<div class="dropdown">

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