CKeditor does not accept special characters or diacritics in keywords

Recently, I came across a helpful code snippet for CKeditor that counts and ranks the most used words in a textarea. This feature is invaluable for generating SEO-keywords suggestions while writing articles. However, there is an issue with non-English characters like öäåÖÄÅ and Diacritics such as léjonet with é or ñ not being passed through some sort of filter.

Below is the HTML code along with a functioning Jsfiddle demo:

<!-- Textarea -->
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-md-2 control-label" for="editor1">HTML </label>
<div class="col-md-10">                     
<textarea class="form-control" id="editor1" name="editor1"><p>text example with ahöäåra</p></textarea>

// More code snippets...

Additionally, JavaScript code has been included to address the diacritics removal function. If you encounter any issues related to this function affecting characters like öäåñ, the solution may lie in modifying or removing this specific function entirely.

If you would like to explore the full code and experiment with the functionality, feel free to check out the demonstration on JSFiddle:


Answer №1

This particular line of code

TextGrab.replace(/[^a-zA-Z ]+/g, "").trim()
serves the purpose of eliminating everything except characters from a to z, both in lower and upper case, as well as blank spaces. Any Unicode characters will be removed as a result. Therefore, it is advisable to either delete or comment out this specific line from the code.

On the other hand, the following line of code

segments anything that does not fall within the range of a to z or 0 to 9. This means that the word ahöäåra would be split into ah and ra. Hence, consider replacing it with

Lastly, to remove the function referred to as removeDiacritics(), simply exclude it from your code altogether.

... (remaining content unchanged)

Due to iframe permission constraints on Stack Overflow, the aforementioned code may not run correctly here. For a functional demonstration, kindly refer to its performance on jsFiddle instead.

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