Cite an element that has been dynamically loaded

After selecting a menu item, I dynamically add the center section of the webpage using jQuery. The different HTML pages are added in a similar manner, such as:

$.get("biosketchStart_Select.html", function (data) {

My question is: Can I update an input field or add a row to a table on the main page after loading the new content? Typically, I would do something like this:

$('#bioTable').append('<tr id="bio-modal-' + obj.RecID + '"><td width="15%">Created</td><td width="15%">Last Update</td><td class="n" width="25%">' + obj.BiosketchName + '</td><td width="25%">' + obj.Category + '</td><td width="1%"></td><td><span class="underline"><a href="#/" onclick = "deleteBio(\'' + obj.BiosketchName + '\',' + obj.RecID  + ')" >Delete</a></span><span class="word-spacing"><span class="underline"><a href="#/" onclick = "editBio(\'' + obj.RecID  + '\')">Edit</a></span></span></td></tr>');

This code adds a row to the bioTable, but it needs to be triggered from the main page based on user input. Do I need to use Event Delegation for this task? Is it possible to call a JavaScript function on the added HTML page using Event Delegation?

I came across a similar situation on Stack Overflow, but I don't have a specific event that triggers on the added HTML page.

$('Document').on(eventName????, '#bioTable', function() {});

While I understand the concept behind the above line of code, I'm not sure how to apply it in my case where I don't have a direct event. I need the rows to be automatically updated based on the main page's values.

Answer №1

Have you experimented with referencing dynamically loaded content in the manner you are currently trying? If so, did it yield unsuccessful results?

The JQuery selector in your code is executed when it is called. If #bioTable exists at the time you invoke the .append function, it will work successfully. However, attempting to attach something like .click or .on to that element before its existence will not produce the desired outcome. You can refer to the example linked below for clarification:

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