Currently, I am using a coda-slider and adjusting the panel sizes in the CSS file through JQuery to adapt the coda-slider to the window size. So far, this method works perfectly fine on Firefox, but crashes when tested on Chrome and Safari. Is there anyone out there who knows how to resolve this issue?
Here is the function being used:
function resizeCentro() {
var alt = (document.height * 0.95) + "px";
var larg = (document.width * 0.77) + "px";
$(".coda-slider").css('width', larg);
$(".coda-slider").css('height', alt);
$(".panel-wrapper").css('width', larg);
$(".panel-wrapper").css('height', alt);
document.getElementById("ifInicio").width = document.width * 0.95;
document.getElementById("ifInicio").height = document.height * 0.95;
document.getElementById("ifInicio").src = "inicio.html";
To view the page, click here.