Chrome users may experience a jumping effect when using the jQuery .animate()

When I use a jQuery .animate() function to move an absolute positioned container, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera correctly move the container to the top. However, in Chrome, the container jumps to the top and then moves down 200px from the margin.

Here is the jQuery code:

$("#indexbox").animate({top: "0", marginTop: "0"}, 500);

And here is the CSS styling for #indexbox:

#indexbox {
 position: absolute;
 width: 500px;
 left: 50%;
 top: 50%;
 margin-left: -250px;
 margin-top: -200px;

If anyone has any suggestions or solutions, please let me know. Thank you!

Answer №1

To achieve an upward movement of the element, avoid using a negative margin-top. In my experience, Chrome is the browser that interprets your code most accurately.

Check out this example I created to demonstrate what you're looking for:

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