Chrome displaying an extJs Button image

Could it be that Chrome is evolving into the new IE in terms of CSS issues?

Here is the code I have for creating ExtJS buttons within an accordion:

var button = Ext.create('Ext.Button', {
    text: '<img src="'+resp.sellers.external[key].catalogs[0].logo+'">',
    handler: function() {
        openOciCall(resp.sellers.external[key].catalogs[0].catId, me.queryFilterManager.getValue())
    margin: '3 3 0 3',

In Firefox and IE, everything looks fine like this:

But in Chrome, without the height property, it doesn't look good:

And when I add the height property, it ends up looking like this:

var button = Ext.create('Ext.Button', {
    text: '<img src="'+resp.sellers.external[key].catalogs[0].logo+'">',
    handler: function() {
        openOciCall(resp.sellers.external[key].catalogs[0].catId, me.queryFilterManager.getValue())
    height: 55,
    margin: '3 3 0 3',

Resulting in this:

The issue seems to be that ExtJS generates a padding value in Chrome, which distorts the image...

<span id="button-1128-btnInnerEl" class="x-btn-inner x-btn-inner-center" unselectable="on" style="line-height: normal; padding-top: 27px;"><img src="logos/logo_mercateo.png"></span>

Now my question is, is there a better approach to display the image correctly in Chrome as in Firefox?


When I try to use the icon element instead, I encounter this issue:

Answer №1

A more efficient way to showcase an image on your button is by utilizing the relevant icon parameters provided for the Button class :

 var button = Ext.create('Ext.Button', {
                    text: ' ',
                    handler: function() {
                        openOciCall(resp.sellers.external[key].catalogs[0].catId, me.queryFilterManager.getValue())


Required CSS:

btImage {
background-image: url(/images/logo.png) !important;

Note: This code has not been tested.. however, you can experiment with icon, iconCls, and iconAlign parameters to achieve your desired outcome

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